About Us

1.What is the problem the start-up is solving?

Ans: Problems we are solving:

a.Elders & non-tech population are dependent upon others for ordering essential items such as Medicines.

b. Small Hospitals in tier 2-3 cities lack credibility & management skills which increase their cost of services.

c. Patients in tier 2&3 cities, lack access to cashless healthcare facilities & credible infrastructure, due to which they migrate to tier 1 cities for healthcare services.

d. Supply chain in healthcare is commissioned at multiple levels and has high entry barriers, which increases the cost of services & product.

2.How does your start-up propose to solve this problem?

Ans: We propose to solve these problems by:

a. Providing WhatsApp API based Ordering platform together with language customised app, which will help us reach larger population.

b. Small Hospitals will be aggregated under brand name “ALA CARE” which will provide them various credible management & IT services at affordable cost.

c. Solutions such as Insurance based cashless payment facility & online consulting etc will improve outcome & curb migratio

d. Tech-enabled solutions will reengineer the supply-chain of medicines & medical equipment, thus improving last mile connectivity.

3.What is the uniqueness of your solution?

Ans: Uniqueness: Focus on 3 C’s : Caution, Care & Compassion

a. Our solution will break the barriers of healthcare accessibility such as technology, language, income, age, qualification, gender & region.

b. Customer centric “Ordering” solution especially for elderly and non-tech friendly population.

c. Providing 3A’s (accessible, available & affordable) healthcare services in hinterlands of the country, by creating “customised techno-care solutions” based on upcoming technologies such as 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data etc

4.How does your start-up generate revenue?

Ans: Revenue Generation:

a. Delivery charges & Commission on Medicines & Medical Equipment.

b. Charges that Small hospitals will pay for using our brand & service

c. Service cost for using our Supply chain.

d. Improve in Customer satisfaction will encourage them to pay for improved techno-care Services.

5.How you will generate employment?

Ans: ALAfied Solutions LLP while building complete backward & forward linkages for effective healthcare services, will generate diverse employment opportunities across the country.

a. Management Team will consists of Business Analysts, Management Consultant, Sales & Marketing Team, Managers, Charted Accountants, Advocates, Medical Representatives etc.

b. Information Technology Team will consists of Software Developers, IT Support, Trainers etc.

c. Service Delivery Team will consists of Highly Skilled Staff like, Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Pathologists etc.

d. Delivery of medicine & medical equipment needs Semi-Skilled Staff like Delivery boys, Interns, ASHA workers , Maintenance Staff, Security etc

e. Strengthening of Supply-Chain will need drivers, conductor, managers, IT support etc.

6.Brief about your start-up?

Ans: With skill & tech-enabled person in each family migrating for employment, their dependents are not able to make use of tech-enabled service provided. It is leaving dependents vulnerable to local vendors & there practices. We have spotted various similar loopholes in current healthcare service delivery system.

a. Our Customer centric solutions based on 7C’s: Credibility, Customised , Compassion, Collaboration, Coordination , Continuum & Connection will tap the loopholes one by one.

b. End-to-end solution will help in escalate the speed of “change in mindset” for acceptance of techno-care, triggered by 4G & Corona- pandemic.

c. Our scope & commitment will ensure, that we play critical role in improving healthcare infrastructure and institution across India, as good health beside education is prerequisite for strong human resource and pillars of foundation for New India. Jai Hind.